Full Moon Concert

Sacred Full Moon Concert with Saint Germain
Saturday, May 18th at 7:30pm * $15-20 love donation
Tranquility Center, 10594 Combie Rd. Ste 1, Auburn CA 95602
Sacred Full Moon Concert with Saint Germain
Saturday, May 18th at 7:30pm * $15-20 love donation
Tranquility Center, 10594 Combie Rd. Ste 1, Auburn CA 95602
dear mark, i sent you lots of emails to speak to your ancestor franz bardon but i got no response from you, does serge marjollet divert emails?
why you don’T answer clearly i send you 99 dollar by paypal would at least have an answer i apologize for the bad translation of telling in felling, but i have squint , i do not understand english very well.Mark can you help me and answer me ? i’m lost.
my email : marie-therese.santoni@sfr.fr i live in paris in france
serge marjollet prevent me from evolving and my chakras cannot open completely and therefore this entity voice in my head cannot leave so i would like to know what i must do so that this serge marjollet stops doing this. he is afraid that i will report him to his wife because she is not aware of what he is doing to me.