Saint Germain Violet Flame

Group Avatar/Walk-Ins/Short Biography

Important notice about Peru Odyssey: I have changed the dates to November 6-13, 2017 with Machu Picchu, Cuzco and an 11:11 Procession at The Gateway of Amaru Meru. Because this is an abbreviated version of the journey, the ticket prices will be lower.  Further information here.


GERALDTON June 10th-11th * PERTH June 17th-18th

~  SATSANG   ~

Geraldton, Australia
June 30, 2017
Self Mastery Teachings

Coming soon: Sasquatch Names, Majestic Shasta,

The Lyrical Miracle cover

The Lyrical Miracle

Beautiful presentation paperback now available at Lulu Distributors.

Softback ($17.00)

Epub for Tablets or Ebooks ($7.77)

Sanskrit Glossary

The Sanskrit Glossary

 A mystical and theosophical approach to this post-Lemurian language

Now available at Lulu Distributors.

Softback $22.00

Epub: 8.99

PDF Available soon.

Sevens cover

Sevens: A Numeric Collage of the Number Seven

777 Examples of how the number Seven is woven throughout creation.

Now available at Lulu Distributors

Softback: $17.00

Epub: $7.77


Available Soon:

Sasquatch Names cover


Shipping charges apply


Sweden Tour March 11-April 2, 2017 (PDF)



Click here for upcoming conferences

Saint Germain from brochure

Available soon: Saint Germain's shopping area.

FEATURED THIS MONTH: Gallery of Saint Germain images by many fine artists.

The “critical mass” is made up of ascended and unascended beings. The ascended are finished with the karmic cycle of death and rebirth and therefore cannot come through the birth canal of a woman. They cannot reincarnate because they have graduated from that cycle, so they re-embody or “walk-in.” The only difference is that the ascended ones had to walk-in in order to re-embody.
A walk-in simply means that before embodiment, there is an agreement or pact made between two beings (one ascended, and one unascended) on the “other side”. This agreement is that the unascended chooses which parents to incarnate through, is born, and then eventually gives up the body to the walk-in, or ascended one. The transition can happen in infinite ways, from right after birth to many years later. Once the ascended has taken on the flesh, the unascended has fulfilled the prior agreement and is in full knowingness that the critical mass is being obtained for the “mass anchoring” of the fifth dimension in 2013. This allowing by the unascended to give up their body to help save a planet is truly a noble act, and the blessings are abundant for those who have made these agreements with the walk-ins.

Many of the ascended walk-ins still carry their given names and some have come out in the public, and now go by their lineage name, or higher name. The key to the walk-ins is that you have to purposely forget almost 90% of everything you know as truth, before you walk-in. This is to ensure humility, that one doesn’t come in too full in ego, with entourages, etc. This would create more separation, and that is not acceptable. So when one grows with maturity, then the being can integrate his or her totality without the imbalance of ego, then the remembrances start to come in the dreams, meditation, and in nature. Another important truth about masses of ascended beings embodying is that they all know that it is about everyone as a whole. They understand that it takes all of us together to help the planet, acting as the "Group Avatar".

Many ascended walk the Earth, but not all are in their full remembrance, so we must be patient with each other.

Saint Germain “walked-in” to the body of Mark Jess Kneass, in the year 1971. Germain was raised in northern California. He has been a student of esoteric teachings since the age of six, under his parents’ tutelage. He was born in the seventh month in the seventh house on the street, the address of which was “77”. His was the seventh family to live in the house. He was born the seventh child, with very strong family values.

Germain has lectured on over twenty different topics in metaphysics in six different countries since 1994. Topics included: Middle Earth, Ascended Masters, The Seven Cosmic Rays, Building of the Pyramids, the Bermuda Triangle, Yeti, Sasquatch, Inter-Planetary Connections, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, and more. Also: The Great Central Sun, 2013 Prophecy, Past Advanced Civilizations, Meditation, Affirmation, Visualization, Dream Symbology, Secret Chamber of the Heart . . . and more.

Saint Germain in the Violet Flame, on Mount Shasta.  October 2007



With the combination of affirmation, meditation and concentration we will
exceed limitation attaining global purification

There will be a levitation of our vibration that shall lift each and every nation
through the transformation unto divination

This recrystallization and illumination of the population will allow the
preservation of the civilization

With careful preparation we begin the etheric migration of our spirits’
elevation, seeing the emanation of a heavenly revelation that is the visitation
of God’s manifestation

Our exploration in this incarnation will allow the disintegration and
elimination of any negative sensation assuring the confirmation of our
coronation, causing the celestial celebration, which is the graduation from
 For we are all but ONE indeed!

Saint Germain


Diplomatic relations

*Lemurian Diamonds Available*

Detailed description and history of these extraordinary diamonds here

I have very rare 100% semi-precious silica gems available, what have been called California Diamonds for over 50 years here.
These are not like diamonds from Africa and other parts of the world, that carry a heavy karmic vibration,
but are 1,000's of times more rare and have absolutely no negative karma.
They are from the 7th Sector of ancient Lemuria, just south of Mt. Shasta and have the cleanest energy I have found in any gem stone.
They were harvested with zero impact on the environment and are truly life-changing gemstones.
They range from 7.5 - 9.00 in hardness (like emerald, ruby and sapphire)
Just over 100,000 years old. They are only $7-$15 a carat (depending on clarity and size)
I have raw and tumbled ones available. Easy to have wrapped in silver or gold wire (pendant); set (earrings) or mounted (ring).
And the shipping is only $7.50 per order (insured, Priority Mail) Payment through Paypal - At the "Price per Carat" button select the price per carat you choose. Then, in the shopping cart, select quantity for number of carats of your particular diamond.
This will allow Paypal to calculate the price of the diamond you are purchasing.
Each order will be sent out within three days.

View diamonds here

For private sessions with Saint Germain ($111 per hour)